The Ferber Method for Baby Sleep Training

Crying baby in cot during Ferber sleep traning method.jpeg

How successful is the Ferber Method?

The Ferber method is a common approach for sleep training babies which has been used by millions of families throughout the world. The Ferber method, also known as Ferberization, although very common and effective for training a baby to sleep through the night, is also one of the most controversial sleep training methods. The method can be very successful in achieving more sleep for the entire family due to the focus on babies learning to self-settle. The reason for the controversy is because of the amount of crying that some, not all babies, display when their parents try the Ferber method with their little ones.

What is the Ferber method for sleep training?

When implementing the Ferber method to sleep train, parents are encouraged to teach their baby to self-settle while continuing to offer support by checking on their little one. (Ferber, 2013) Many sleep consultants have adapted and soften this approach to suit their style of work, with the underlining concept remaining the same. Like most things in life, there are pros and cons to this method which are listed below.

The positives about the Ferber method

When implemented consistently the Ferber sleep training method is very effective with teaching babies new sleep habits. When a little one learns the skills that this method sets out to achieve, the sleep habits a child displays are very concrete. The focus of this method is on independence and self-settling and these skills roll over two other parts of the child's life. 

What are the disadvantages of Ferber sleep training?

Parents often find the Ferber sleep training method very difficult to implement with their baby. Sticking with this method until new sleep habits are formed is often associated with a lot of stress and anxiety for both parents and their little ones. Even though the Ferberization approach is effective, using this sleep training method is NOT for every family.

What age is appropriate for the Ferber method?

The Ferber method for sleep training is not recommended until a baby is at least 4 months old. Once a baby reaches 4-months of age, their sleep and wake rhythms are more formed and getting into a more predictable sleep routine become easier.

Does the Ferber method work for a 15 month old?

Yes the Ferber method can be very effective when sleep training a 15 month old. Babies learn really quick due to their rapidly developing brains. However, sleep training a 15 month old baby can be more tricky then a baby who is between 4 months to 6 months of age, due to the little ones increased mobility and awareness.

Can you sleep train a 2 year old?

Yes you absolutely can sleep train a 2 year old. From my experience working with clients, it’s around 2 to 3 years of age when sleep training with the Ferber method can become all too overwhelming for a toddler. The toddlers personality and the parents resilience are really important things to consider when picking a sleep training method at around 2 to 3 years of age. The Ferber method will work for some 2 year olds and not for others.

Can you improve sleep without sleep training?

Absolutely yes! Not every client I have wants to sleep train their baby, especially using the Ferber Method. Following age appropriate awake times and establishing good sleep hygiene can make a massive difference to baby or toddlers sleep without having to go down the sleep training routine. For detailed information on how to improve your little ones sleep download the Baby Sleep Guide.

Research on the Ferber method

A lot of opinions are published on the Ferber method for sleep training babies.  The articles are generally reflective of the author’s personal opinion or research they have done as either a parenting specialist, sleep consultant or health professional. The Ferber method is not for every family but has been an effective method for getting babies to sleep for numerous families. When discussing the topic of childhood sleep, society especially Mums, need to be respectful, open and honest that as effective as the Ferber method is, there is more than one way to build a foundation for a child to have a lifetime of healthy sleep habits.   

Reference: Ferber, R. (2013) Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems. Ebury Publishing

Note from Author:

As an Early childhood and primary educator and owner and operator of a family daycare, Mother and an infant and toddler sleep consultant I have seen first-hand how important sleep is to a child’s long-term development.  Working with families to develop healthy sleep habits is a passion of mine. To book a consultation please contact me.


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