Baby Sleep School

Get started on your infant and toddler sleep journey.


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The Baby Sleep Teacher has provided information on newborn, infant, toddler and preschooler’s sleep including free downloads to help with early childhood development and those long sleep deprived nights when your baby won’t sleep.

Infant, Newborn Stephanie Bull Infant, Newborn Stephanie Bull

4-Month Sleep Regression: Everything you need to know!

The 4-month sleep regression is caused by a progression in brain development that babies experience at this age. This progression in brain development often leads to a regression where a baby won’t sleep. The 4-month sleep regression is the first of five sleep regressions babies may experience before turning two years of age.

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Newborn, Infant Stephanie Bull Newborn, Infant Stephanie Bull

Caring for a Catnapping Baby

When a baby won’t sleep, and they are catnapping this can lead to feelings of exhaustion for both mum and bub. All too often a catnapping baby causes a family’s day to go into disarray. Catnapping leaves babies feeling overtired and grumpy, and they are hard to settle, plus Mum or Dad do not get a break. Sound familiar?

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Infant, Toddler Kelli Savietto Infant, Toddler Kelli Savietto

How to Wean Off Night Feeds

Every mother has been there, happily feeding their baby and suddenly their little darling is asleep in their arms. As the old saying goes “never wake a sleeping baby”. Faced with the decision what to do next, you either enjoy cuddling your sleeping baby or carry what feels like a ticking atomic/time bomb, off to their bassinet and very gently place them down. Sound familiar?

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